One of the most worn out admonitions these days is 'Get out of your comfort zone'. Well, it's not bad advice (which is why it's fast becoming a cliche), but it's a scary and courageous thing to do. The problem isn't getting out of your comfort zone, but what you'll meet when you do.
You're meeting the Unknown, and there's a 50/50 chance that it will be worse off than your Comfort Zone. Still, this chance is always worth it, even if it's just for the experience. Stepping out into the Unknown keeps us on our toes, thinking, doing, and achieving. Tomorrow is the big unknown, and only death can keep us from it. So we should all learn to embrace it and all the new things that we are sure to learn when we step out into it.
Photo Credit: Lauren Withrow, Forest Girl, Javiy, Bella, Mittijn, Swinspeed, and Tangent Artifact