Happy Thanksgiving people. No matter what you're going through, i bet you'll still find at least seven things that you're thankful for! So, even though i've got several worries nagging at the back of my skull, i'm thanking to God for many many things. Seven of which are:
Home: Home is my haven, where I rest my head, and escape from the World. I can stay home all weekend in fact!
Birthdays: I've got a pretty large family, and I'm thankful that everybody still lives to see their next birthday.
Blogging: In addition to this blog, i've got a work blog and a rants blog. I've found that writing surprisingly makes me glad. I don't know whether i'm good at it or not, but i'm thankful that i discovered blogging
Home Cooking: I don't like to cook, so i'm thankful for my aunt who does. Really, she's a lifesaver!
Rugrats: I've got several little cousins and they bug the hell out of me! But they make me glad a whole lot cause they're cute, innocent, fun, and just plain amazing
Best Friends: Thank God for my two best friends. I can tell them whatever, and i can be myself with them.
Letters: A whole bunch of my family are schooling abroad this year. So i'm thankful for letters, emails, and long distance phone calls
May God give us many more things to be thankful for in the years to come.
Photo Credit: Via Pad Cotton and Design Is Mine