Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cheery Cupcakes

Lately, i've been feeling pretty bad about some plans that aren't working out as straightforward as i had hoped. But guess what cheered me up? Yup, cupcakes. I love cupcakes. They're the only kind of cake that i actually look forward to eating. I've eaten one in a single bite in fact-very unladylike i tell ya, but who cares? :D

Photo Credit: Tumblr, Mariianna, Rickpoon, Hello Naomi, Tumblr, Pool-Food Porn, and Hayley Cakes

Cuddly Furry Puppies

Have you noticed how cute puppies are? They are so cute to watch. They make you want to just cuddle them forever.

Photo Credit: The Cherry Blossom Girl, Sebastian Dario, P.J. Taylor, Robee, Fire, Ross Beinder, and MayJ
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